Reports 2004


Frankfurt Eurocity-Marathon, Germany

We met us at Saturday at noon time at Frankfurt at the train station. Thence we walked directly to the exhibition site. Here starts the frankfurter Eurocity-Marathon. The first destination was the outlay of the race numbers. Now we walked through the exhibition and hunted for new flyers.

At 1pm there was a discussion at the Blauer Saal. The discussion was about marathon and alimentation by Dr. Rudolf Ziegler and Dieter Baumann. After this we went to the festival hall. There was the pasta party like every year. Also there was a big fringe events. In addition to another discussion from Dieter Baumann, some dance includes from the frankfurter cheerleaders. Also some interviews with some prominent participants. The night we spend at the youth hostel. There we took breakfast before the race. The time rise flies, although we got one hour more because of the time change. When we arrived the exhibition site on Saturday we did the last preparations.

Shortly before 11am all waited at the starting blocks. More than 10,000 runners were ready to start. And suddenly there it was. The start! Like at every other race people made a dash. Like a raving loony. Most of people would say the weather was good. It had 50F (10°C) and cloudy. Partly there was some wind. Against 2001 there was not a zipper procedure. Therefore there was not the big squash at the start. Along the course there was a lot of public and a lot bands. They gave the whole event amusement. As the final titbit the finish was at the festival hall on a red carpet.

More information are at the homepage of the Frankfurtmarathon.


Gallerie of pictures 

Results of the organisation

The course